Wednesday, February 5, 2014

REVELATION 11: 11-14

The Witnesses Resurrected

Rev 11:11 Now after the three-and-a-half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them.
Rev 11:12 And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, "Come up here." And they ascended to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies saw them.
Rev 11:13 In the same hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell. In the earthquake seven thousand people were killed, and the rest were afraid and gave glory to the God of heaven.

Now after the three-and-a-half days
           According to this statement the three and of days was over after their death. All these three and of years the whole world filled with worldly happiness. Because those time most of the people belongs to the antichrist supporters. So the death of these two prophet was gave happiness in their heart. Because during their power full ministries, people were tormented by these two prophets. They are not able to accept whatever the two prophets where told. Whole world stood against each and every word of these two prophets. The scripture says the words of these two prophets were tormented them.
The breath of life from God entered them,
But our God got angry very much on these people. God gave to this world final opportunity to repent but these people’s heart were hardened. They are not will willing to repent. They are very much satisfied by the antichrist government. They want to enjoy the world pleasure.  Last but not least God did the last miracle in front of their eyes. God gave an opportunity to these people through giving the breath to these two prophets and He risen from them again. At least after the seeing this incident the people will repent.

and great fear fell on those who saw them.
But that time also the people not repent. Just they were afraid of these two prophets resurrection. From their life time this is the first time seeing that the dead persons raising and coming back to the life. This time also the people not understand that these two prophets were resurrected through God’s breath.
Revelation 11:12 And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, "Come up here."
After the resection of these two prophets a loud voice came from the heaven saying them “Come up here”. This voice heard all of them. The scripture says the voice heard by all enemies of these two prophets.  Here the enemies means anti-christ and his followers.
And they ascended to heaven in a cloud
After the voice spoke to the two prophets, these two prophets is start ascending to the heaven through the cloud. This also the first time the people saw a person ascending into heave by body and soul. After this seeing this miracle also the people were not repent for their sins or there are not ready to accept the Lord as their redeemer. Still their hearts were hardened.
Revelation 111:3 In the same hour there was a great earthquake
This time God got more furies about this wicked people. After this very powerful ministry also why these people’s heart and mind very stubborn.  Especially about His own Israel people. So He send the disaster to the Jerusalem city.
In the earthquake seven thousand people were killed
Because of this earthquake disaster scripture says 7000 people were died. We don’t know why the number 7000 was exactly mentioned here.
and the rest were afraid
After the great disaster few people were afraid.
gave glory to the God of heaven
After saw the earth quack some of them understand the voice from the heaven is belongs to the God Almighty. So some of the people gave their goriness to God of heaven. But bible not mention they repent because of these incidents the people gave their goriness to the God of heaven . 

Rev 11:4 The second woe is past.
Here the second woe is finished. To recollect what incidents where happened in the second woe.
1.      This second woe started in the chapter 9:12
2.      Rev 9:13-20 the four devil angle are released the four courners of wind. Because of that 200 million demons are came out and killed 1/3 of the people
3.      Rev 9:21 after these incident also the people were not repent.
4.      Rev 10:1-2 appearance of mighty angle with scroll which was sweet to mouth and bitter to stomach and His final message “that there should be delay no longer” to the all lounges, nations, kings.
5.       Rev 11:1-2 Measuring the temple
6.      Rev 11:3-13 two prophets, their ministries, their death and their resurrection. 

Behold, the third woe is coming quickly.
This is an announcement of third woe.  We will see the next session what are the things are going to happen during the third woe.

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