Sunday, May 12, 2013

Revelation 7:9-10

Revelation 7:9-10

Revelation 7:9 After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands,
Revelation 7:10 and crying out with a loud voice, "Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!"

After the sealing of the 144,000 and before the last judgments, we see a great multitude that no man could number around the throne. These are all those saved through the testimony of the 144,000 during the great tribulation.
These are obviously the believers in Jesus Christ (Lamb) who have been washed in the blood of the Lamb and raptured into heaven.

1. After these things = this is the second occurrence of this phrase in the Revelation to mark the beginning of a new vision sequence. How much time elapses between these two visions is not known. This vision sequence begins at Revelation 7:9 and will continue through Revelation 15:4.

2. A great multitude = the Greek literally says a much or many group or multitude. We would say "a huge crowd."

3. Which no one could count = this phrase is obviously a figure of speech. It is not intended to be taken literally. Logic requires this conclusion. If the language is forced to be literal, then John has lied. A man could certainly number the multitude given the time and cooperation of those to be counted. The author is emphasizing the vast number of individuals that compose this group. The contrast between the specific number of sealed Jews and the unlimited nature of the great multitude should not be missed. This is the first important contrastive point that we should glean from this text.

4. From every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues = points out the second important contrastive point to be gleaned from this text. This innumerable multitude is Gentile and Jew in composition. This innumerable multitude represents a universal gathering unlike the 144, 000 who are specifically identified as Jewish.

5. Standing = is a perfect participle. This is very important because it indicates that the universally innumerable multitude is one group. In other words, they are not assembling, but have assembled. John sees the finished product. The importance of this point will become evident later.

6. Before the throne and before the Lamb = gives us the location of the standing universally innumerable multitude. This is the third important contrastive point John gives us. Unlike the earth bound 144, 000, this group is in heaven.

7. Clothed in white robes = signals a change in the status of these earthly beings who are in heaven in contrast to martyrs of the fifth seal. These individuals have bodies and are clothed. The fifth seal martyrs did not have bodies and were given robes to be worn later. 

8. Palm branches in their hands
As an important aside, the palm branches were associated with the ingathering celebration or the Feast of Tabernacles (on the 15th day of the 7 month for seven days), Leviticus 23:40 also Leviticus 23:33-44, Zechariah 14:16-21, John 12:12-15 and are prominently used by the innumerable multitude before the throne, (other verses on the feast of ingathering - Exodus 23:16, Exodus 34:22, Nehemiah 8:14-16).
The palm tree was associated with the temple worship. King Solomon decorated the walls of the inner court and outer court by carving into the walls the figures of the cherubim, palm trees, and open flowers, 1Kings 6:29. The Lord will also decorate the wall of His millennial temple with carvings of palm trees alternating with cherubim, Ezekiel 41:17-20.
The palm tree and its fruit were used in the Song of Solomon to describe the passion, great love and desire that the king had for the woman who was his love and spouse, Song of Solomon, 7:6-9a, with the bride breaking in from Song of Solomon, 7:9b-10. It is not difficult to transpose this episode on King Solomon’s life onto the expected relationship the Lord will have for His own, the love, care, and desire for them. A manifestation of His love could be in the form of the decoration of His walls in His millennial temple with representations of His love for them. Everything about the temple worship was about the love relationship between God and His people, and looked forward to that great event of Jesus Christ dying on the cross, being buried for three days, then raising from the dead according to scripture. That singular event forever settled the sin question would be covered for those who believe on His name, and confess His name, Hebrews 9:23-28.

9. Salvation = is a strange term to associate with God the Father and God the Son. However, the universally innumerable multitude is not indicating God’s need for salvation, rather, they are stating a fact: salvation or victory belongs to God. Their experience bears this out. God the Father and God the Son are both recognized as the source of deliverance for the universally innumerable multitude.

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