Thursday, May 17, 2012

Change Your Life?

When You Desire a change in Your Life
When you are yearning for a change or an improvement in your life, there are few basic points that you must first consider.
They are:
1.To Change your life is possible

If you want to bring about any desired improvement in your life, you must first of all believe that that change is possible.
It is most essential for you to know and accept that you can alter your life and circumstances. Then you will work diligently to bring about the necessary improvement.
William James, the father of modern psychology said:
“The greatest discovery of our time is that man is able to change the circumstances of his life by changing his thoughts and his feelings."
Apostle Paul wrote: Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” ~ Romans 12:2
The truth is change is going on every time. Everything you see, smell and touch are in a continuous process of changing for something better. Life itself is a continuous change.
Therefore you too can improve any area of your life with God's Help.
The Bible say, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Philippians 4:13
By your own power alone you may not be able to bring about any improvement you desire.
However, with God all things are possible. You need to believe the truth that change is always possible and that no matter your situation you can change with God’s help.
2. Improvement is not Easy but Desirable

You need to accept the challenge that it is not going to be very easy to make your life better. There are two reasons why to improve your self will not be an easy task:
1.The opposition or the enemy is always there.
He is Satan. He will try to tempt you and will want you to believe that it's impossible. He will not therefore allow you to easily better your life or situation.
The role of your enemy is to hinder you from any improvement. He wants to keep you at the bottom. He will continue to whisper to you to “bow down, that he may go over you.” Isaiah 51:23
But you are not made to be a permanent living carpet for your enemy. Hence, you need to struggle to remove your self from the dust. Stop Satan from trampling upon you.
You can get over your physical weakness or sickness. If you refuse to lie down to it. You can get over poverty and bad relationships if you would resist the devil so that he will flee from you.
Get up from the dust today. You can do it with God.
2.The Old is good enough

You are used to the old wine and its taste. You have no desire to try any new thing. Luke 5:39
This is because your life is made up of habits. Maybe you have tried and discover things never come easy. You love to act as you have done in the past.
This is a great law in Nature. Your habit is like a river flowing through an old pathway. It flows easily and cuts deeper gutter along the same route.
Your habit creates similar pathway in your brain. This makes it difficult for you to try anything new.
Good as well as bad habit become deep rooted when you allow it for a long time. The longer you entertain a habit the more difficult it is for you to overcome it.
However, bad habits are those which ruin your body, mind, life and soul. Many habits result in eternal penalties. That makes urgent for you to give al it takes to change your bad habits.
3.To Improve Your Life takes Time

Therefore don’t be in a hurry. You need patience and hard work to bring about any change. Remember to reach any destination requires you take only one step at a time. Concentrate on winning the day’s battle. When you win today, your chance of winning tomorrow becomes higher
Improvement is a slow, steady and sure process. It takes slow and steady steps to win the race. Stay on course by taking One important step at a time.
You will reap a good reward for your efforts if only you continue and persist patiently in well doing.
Therefore, if you want to improve any aspect of your life, you must stand firm and never allow any thing to move you. You should never be weary or tired in doing good. Therefore, if you fail or fall in your first step, never mind, get up and try again. ~ 1 Corinthians 15:58, Romans 2:7, Galatians 6:9.
4.Change Brings Benefits

There are benefits of making all the efforts and for persisting patiently until you are transformed.
Change is easy when you bring God into your life and situation. You could only improve your self by going back to your creator. When you get back to the source the benefits are many.
The benefits are enough to keep you focus on your goal. They are sources of encouragement for you to make the sacrifices required for your self improvement. When you bring God into the center of your life, your change would be total.
Psalms 103:2-5 gives some of the benefits. You will receive forgiveness for all your sins.
Sins are your shortcomings or failures. God would turn your failure to success as He willing to cover all your past sins, failures and errors.
Your diseases are healed. Your life is redeemed from the pit of darkness as God crowns you with His Agape love and compassion. All your desires are satisfied with good things.
So that your youth and vigor are renewed on a daily basis.
These are good incentives for you to improve your self. However, your major goal if you are a disciple of Jesus is to make heaven and reap the benefits of living forever with Him.
This eternal benefit made the Macedonians’ disciples to give themselves wholly to Jesus. The joy of living eternity with Jesus should give you enough drive to dedicate your entire life to God and constantly make the effort to improve your self.
You can see how athletes train their mind and body to obtain earthly crown. That should give you the zeal you need to change your life so as to obtain eternal rewards. ~ 1 Corinthians 9:24-25.

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