Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mighty, Mitey Men Of God

Mighty, Mitey Men Of God

God sometimes impresses an idea on our hearts for us to meditate on, to learn from, or sometimes it’s an equipping that happens, where he builds on our faith by giving us some wisdom or truth that he reveals to our hearts. A while back, God showed me that the men of the Bible, the disciples, Daniel, David, and even Moses and Abraham, our “Bible Superheros” were just men – just regular human beings like you and I. They weren’t created from different stuff than we were. They were just men who chose God and who God used, but they were Mighty Men of God nonetheless.
About six months ago, God revealed to me that we, the humans walking the Earth today, can be every bit as spiritually mighty as the “Bible Superheros” of the Bible times. It became a passion of mine to make that my identity. I realized that I could tap into the might of God if I just pressed in and pursued him, had the right motives and, most of all, faith in God’s calling on my life as his son. Then tonight I realized that there is a foundational element to being a Mighty Man of God that I have been aware of sort of unconsciously for a while but hadn’t pieced together.

Giving Mitely, Not Doing Mightily

Becoming a Mighty Man of God doesn’t happen as a result of some amazing spiritual feat of healing or Bible reading or a certain number of hours volunteered at church. It does require effort, but it’s not physical effort. At its core, becoming a Mighty Man of God requires giving. This giving is illustrated best by the story of the Widow’s Mite:
Mark 12:41-44

The Widow’s Two Mites

41 Now Jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people put money into the treasury. And many who were rich put in much. 42 Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrans. 43 So He called His disciples to Himself and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury; 44 for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood.”
Not too long ago, when I heard this story, I always thought, “Yeah, that’s cool. She gave less money than the rich guys, but proportionately, she gave a lot more money than they did because it was more of a stretch for her to give that much money. It was all she had.” The thing is, that’s only part of the story. The thing that made Jesus take notice was not the supernatural knowledge that Jesus had of the woman’s finances. It was his insight into her heart. This widow was a Mighty Woman of God because she was truly giving 100% of herself.
Now, right away, many people will hear that “giving 100%” part and they will mentally squint their eyes in focused determination and roll up their sleeves ready to DO 110% more than what they are DOING now. The truth of this message hasn’t sunk in yet. Jesus doesn’t want your to-do list. He has thousands of other Christians at his disposal who can DO what you can do, but there is only one you who can give 100% of you. The question is, are you ready to give him all you have? For me, it took an extended period of extreme trial to bring me to a point where I gave him all I had to give.

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