Sunday, September 6, 2015

Revelation 13: 16-18 part2

How in current situation the number 666 is ruling the world?
1.      Internet WWW

Ø  If we calculate for www we get 666.
Ø  So without internet the world can’t move forward, example buying and selling, trading, share etc.,
2.      Multi Level Marketing(MLM)
Ø  This is a method to sell the product using advertisement.
Ø  Another name of this is chain reaction.
Ø  If one person joins as a member of this product based company, he should make minimum two representatives under him. Those two persons will get each two persons under them. In the same way the links will be expanded.
Ø  This is called MLM or Chain reaction.
Ø  You may ask what the problem is doing this business. Or what is the relationship with antichrist’s mark and this MLM?
Ø  The founder of the MLM is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ? Do you want to know how?
Ø  He called  the first 4 disciples (mark 1:16-20) Simon, Andrew, James and John from four them  it increased to 12 disciples. From 12  then he appointed 70 disciples (Luke 10:1). From 70 it increased to 120 (acts 1:15). From 120 now so many God’s servants are doing God’s ministry throughout the world.
Ø  Why people are joining this MLM? Because people will get more money.
Ø  Especially, we can’t get these MLM products in outside stores. If we want this product, we need to contact the company only.
Ø  Not only that without having a member card of the company, we can’t buy the products. Example military canteen.
Ø  So today so many MLM products are available in the market. Some of the MLM Companies were not able to sustain in the market, these kinds of companies are purchased by another company. Example P&G has lot of product, if suppose, a particular MLM company purchased this P&G means, the brand of P&G only will be available in the MLM company. So without membership of that MLM company we will not be able to buy any product.
Ø  All the members of this company now belong to the company who bought it.
Ø  Like that all the people will belong to one company.
Ø  If the company belongs to antichrist, without his mark we can’t buy or sell.

3.      Identify card
Ø  Now a day’s throughout the world all people are having lot of identification card. Example bank(ATM, debit or credit), pan card, driving license, voter identification card etc.,
Ø  Now  a days all our salaries are deposited in bank directly. We donot receive by hand. If we need money, we have to use debit card to withdraw through ATM machine.
Ø  if we don’t receive antichrist mark, we willn’t be able to withdraw  money from  bank. He can even block your account.
Ø  We can see three thing in this card
                                                    i.     Name of the Bank
                                                   ii.     Mark of the Bank
                                                  iii.     Card number
Ø  Now we  will compare these in formations with bible verses
Ø  Kindly turn your bible to book of revelation 13:7

        And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Ø  Now we will see about credit card, then only we can understand what are the hidden secrets behind it?
Ø  We everyone knows the procedures of credit card. When we purchase any product using this credit card, he gets some time to repay that money without interest. After that particular duration they will charge interest. This is the procedure of credit card.
Ø  If we are not able to repay, the bank people will torture the customer. We know that, so many people have committed suicide because of these tortures.
Ø   Do You think, these tortures are given by the bank? No, Satan is only doing all these things.
Ø  If you start paying EMI for that capital amount what you purchased, you have to keep on paying. It will not come to an end.
Ø  So your loan will not be closed that much easily.
Ø  Mathew 5:26
Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.
 (RC) 26 there you will stay, until you have paid the last penny.
Ø  Now we will see, what is the secret behind this card number?
Ø  Each card has a 16 digit numbers.
Ø  A research report from Singapore says, if you want to give a unique number to each person in this world means, the total number of digits  required in that number is 18.
Ø  If you enter this 16 digit number in computer it will automatically create for identification another 2 digit numbers.
Ø  So when we total 16+2 = 18, we separate this 18 digits into 3 sixs. That means 666. 

4.      Barcode

Ø  We know that, now a day’s the entire product has barcode. Without barcode we can’t see the product.
Ø  What is the secret behind in this barcode?
Ø  The barcode contains the information of product. That means name of the product, prize of the product, manufacture date, expire date etc.
Ø  But if we watch closely this barcode, there are 3 bars printed without numbers
Ø  This barcode was invented by George J Lauren In 1971.
Ø  When he was explaining about this barcode to media, the media people asked about these 3 bars.
Ø  He stated that “it is simple coincident” but it is not a coincident, it is an incident to full fill the prophecy to become true “without his mark no one can buy or sell”.
5.      Multipurpose identification card(MLIC)

Ø  This card is already issued in India. Just started.
Ø  Let  us see what are information’s given in this card
v  General informations
§  Name of the government.
§  Mark of the government.
§  16 digit number.
v  Personal informations
§  Name of candidate.
§  Photo of the candidate.
§  Father’s name of the candidate.
§  Mother’s name of the candidate.
§  In the back side of the card the thump image of the candidate.
Ø  What is the use of this MLIC?
v  We can use this card,
§   To buy ration(instead of ration card)
§  To vote in election (instead of voter ID)
§   For Income tax payment(instead of PAN)
§   For Bank transactions (Instead of debit card and ATM card)
§  For all legal activities (this card contains all personal informations)
§  Driving license & RC book details.
§  Medicines
Ø  How can they store all the information in this card?
v  There is a 16 bit memory card attached to this card.
v  RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology is implemented in this card.
v  Through this RFID we can trace you where ever you are. Example our mobile simcard.  The same RFID technology is implemented in this sim card. Because of that only we receive calls and we make calls.
v  Already it is introduced in America.
v  But this card was failure in US.
v  Why, because if someone steel this card or someone break this card then what will happen?
v  To avoid these issues the scientist introduced the BIO chip.
v  This Bio-chip is similar to the RFID card.
v  Where ever you go, you no need to carry money or any other cards (debit, credit, driving license, pan card, voter id etc.,)   along with you.
v  Why because, this Bio-chip contains all the information and the chip will be inserted into either right hand or in the forehead.
v  US  is issuing this bio chips to infants and sick people at free of cost
v  For others it costs $200.
v  In US government is fixing this Bio chip to Food and Drugs Association (FDA) and Pentagon staffs compulsorily.
v  In Mexico all bar counsel members of Atomic General have already accepted this bio chips.
v  The AUSTCO, an Australian organization got the contract to fix for children of 47 countries at free of cost.
v  The Motorola and Monteux companies are producing this kind of bio chips.
Ø  Now we have seen how 666 is mingled in our life.
Ø  All these informations are, to give awareness about mark of the beast
Ø  Be careful and be alert about all these marks.
Ø   Let us Be ready or prepare our self to be lifted up with Jesus Christ during rapture.

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