Saturday, December 22, 2012

Revelation 3:19

Revelation 3:19

Revelation 3:19 Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent

Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline

We know that how much Jesus loved us, more than mother’s love. Actualay there is no word to express his love.

I reprove and discipline
Even mother is disciplining her child whenever he/she goes wrong. But our heavenly Father show His love more than our mother then how come He fails to discipline us.

The word " reprove " means to confute, refute. To reprove someone is more than telling them their faults, it is of convicting them of their of sin (Jn 8:46; 16:8; 1 Co 14:24). Here Jesus rebukes by action rather than by His mouth. He will bring to light and expose the sin of the Laodiceans. He will demonstrate and prove conclusively that they are off base spiritually. People will not argue otherwise for He will convince them without question. After Jesus cross-examines us with the kind of questions He can ask, no one will challenge Him. We will stand patently guilty. He will bring convincing proof of this. 

" discipline " means primarily to train children. We train children by our words or corporeal punishment. This is their first and basic form of education. God trains His children as well (He 12:6, 7, 10). A basic idea behind "chastening" is correction, or guidance. This instruction has to do with the purpose of forming proper habits of behavior (Ac 7:22). Ephesians 6:4 uses this "chasten" for training children. 

Hebrews 12:6 For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives."

Proverbs 3:12 for the Lord reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights.

 Therefore be zealous and repent

Jesus challenges the Laodicean church to be "zealous." This word means to be eager, earnest. Jesus wants them to be deeply committed to His values with the accompanying desire to do it. He wants them to set their heart on His plan for them. 

If we do not go positive signals to Jesus discipline in our lives, then we will head into spiritual ruin. We need to take His rebuke and chastening as from His love. Better is the wounds of a friend than the flattery of an enemy. 

The word "repent" is literally to perceive afterwards. This implies changes after previously thinking about something. This is the basis of moral and spiritual choice of values. Repentance is a complete change of view and way of life as a result of looking at what Jesus values. The English conveys the idea of sorrow or contrition but the Greek does not necessarily portray this idea. The Greek idea is more on total change in thought and behavior based on a fundamental change in terminal values, the values of God (Lk 3.8, He 6.1, and Ac 26.20). The Greek indicates that we are to make a decision decisively. "Do not delay. Come to grips with this immediately." 

To repent is not to vow that we will never do it again. Neither is it a promise to do better next time. It is not a promise to serve the Lord. It does not mean that we have to crawl our way back to God. Nor is repentance a guilt complex whereby we feel bad about sins. All these things are legalistic ways of trying to get God’s approval. They are attempts at paying for our sin by self rather than trusting what God did for our sins. We have God’s approval because of what Jesus did on the cross. 

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